Michigan and Illinois, according to Natures Cities, is forecasting they will lose significant populations, including up to 75% of cities in those states shrinking.
What the study doesn't take into consideration, is the long-term effects of climate change. Having the stability of the Great Lakes around you not only ensures that water supply won't be a problem, it is also a moderation of temperatures.
Will the rising tides of the oceans make an impact on the Midwest? If it does, it is for people wanting a stable environment.
Anywhere in Michigan is only hours away from relaxing on one of the Great Lakes, Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, and even Lake Erie. Illinois, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin residents also understand that these huge and beautiful lakes are easily accessible.
There is also the 'Midwest State of Mind' attraction. Friendliness, neighborhoods, charming downtowns large and small...and affordable housing, make the Midwest very attractive, especially those with or starting families.
Buffalo, despite this study saying it will decline, is already showing significant growth, both in population and in development.
It is the same for coastlines of Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Ontario & Erie.
Vacationers are flocking to Midwest attractions, the many Midwest waterfalls, breathtaking views across the ocean size lakes. With each visit people fall in love and do everything they can to either visit more or move there permanently.
Ask the Green Bay Packers, and ask anyone in the Midwest, go ahead and underestimate.